GodXP Spiritual Fitness

Speaking, Teaching, and Chakra Healing - Cheryl Stelte, Star of Divine Light Institute

July 21, 2022 Anthony Polanco
Speaking, Teaching, and Chakra Healing - Cheryl Stelte, Star of Divine Light Institute
GodXP Spiritual Fitness
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GodXP Spiritual Fitness
Speaking, Teaching, and Chakra Healing - Cheryl Stelte, Star of Divine Light Institute
Jul 21, 2022
Anthony Polanco

Cheryl Stelte has over 25 years experience as a Spiritual teacher Healer Coach. She is the Author and Founder of the Intuitive Energy Healing & Empowerment Practitioner Program.  Learn more about Cheryl Stelte: @steltecheryl on instagram, her website starofdivinelight.com where you can find her courses and coaching, and buy her book Heal Your Neck Issues and Let Your Throat Chakra Shine: The Spiritual Guide to Moving Forward Pain-Free. On amazon. 

The GodXP Spiritual Fitness Podcast: Level up your spirit, realize more power. Join us as we talk consciousness, spirituality, mental health, psychedelics, psychotherapy, self-realization, and personal development to inspire advancement in our lives.  This is the #1 consciousness expansion show. Together we share stories and seek to discover applicable truth and wisdom for life. With your host Anthony Polanco: Music artist, depression recovery author, and former Christian missionary-turned-meditation coach. Follow us on Social Media: @wearegodxp on Twitter, IG, Facebook and https://www.godxp.com

Show Notes Transcript

Cheryl Stelte has over 25 years experience as a Spiritual teacher Healer Coach. She is the Author and Founder of the Intuitive Energy Healing & Empowerment Practitioner Program.  Learn more about Cheryl Stelte: @steltecheryl on instagram, her website starofdivinelight.com where you can find her courses and coaching, and buy her book Heal Your Neck Issues and Let Your Throat Chakra Shine: The Spiritual Guide to Moving Forward Pain-Free. On amazon. 

The GodXP Spiritual Fitness Podcast: Level up your spirit, realize more power. Join us as we talk consciousness, spirituality, mental health, psychedelics, psychotherapy, self-realization, and personal development to inspire advancement in our lives.  This is the #1 consciousness expansion show. Together we share stories and seek to discover applicable truth and wisdom for life. With your host Anthony Polanco: Music artist, depression recovery author, and former Christian missionary-turned-meditation coach. Follow us on Social Media: @wearegodxp on Twitter, IG, Facebook and https://www.godxp.com

Hey, everybody. Welcome back to the God XP spiritual fitness podcast. I am your host, Anthony Polanco. You can call me ant P. If you prefer today, we're very fortunate to have our special guest Cheryl Stelte. She's got over 25 years experience as a spiritual teacher, healer and coach. She's an author and the founder of intuitive energy healing and empowerment. Practitioner program, her mission is to help accomplish, help people accomplish their purpose by, ultimately, um, finding their unique way and God moving through their life. So we're very lucky to talk to her and just hear about, her life and her experiences thus far. Um, Cheryl, without further ado, how are you? Oh I'm doing great. I'm thrilled to be here, Anthony. Thank you so much for inviting me here today. It's my pleasure. Um, I just love that you're so bold and passionate about, helping others and just the you're your fearless approach and your bold approach. Marketing and promoting, your spiritual work, your spiritual business, I think is just, it's very inspirational for me. And it's very attractive. So I wanted to hear your story and just hear about how this mission came about in your life. Boy, you just really touched on something. The bold I'm actually getting emotional right outta the gate here because the bold. I haven't always been so bold in this way, in that when I first began on a spiritual journey, it was for my own healing and empowerment. Not absolutely not to help anybody else. It was, I had left a marriage of 13 years. I was married to an abusive alcoholic. I had two children. And so I found myself outta my own and I was suffering from severe depression when one day at the beach, when I had a friend practicing kinesiology on me, that was as spiritual as I got back then. And this was all new. I was like, oh, this kinesiology is really something. And interestingly enough, my younger brother who had taken his life. A year before his spirit showed up. Wow. And his message to me was to start meditating. And I was blown away. I thought, what is all this spiritual stuff? And when I got back to town after that weekend, I was searching out. Meditation places and and they would ask me I would phone and they would say, why do you wanna meditate? Well, to speak to my deceased brother he would say, we don't have that kind of meditation here. And what had happened was my friend that was doing kinesiology on me, didn't even know I had a deceased brother. We were more acquaintances and getting to know each other and he spoke through her. She had never channeled before. All of a sudden I could feel his presence beforehand, us laying on the beach. We were waiting to go and pick oysters, waiting for the tide to go out and. all of a sudden, she says, your brother is here. And I said, I know she said, you have a deceased brother. And I said, yes. And then he spoke through her and that had never happened before. And his message was to meditate. So it wasn't for me to be able to communicate with him more. It was. To heal the depression. So I started, I found a place. I stumbled across a place. Wow. And started learning meditation right away in a live classroom setting. And within three months I was off the antidepressants. Wow. That I had been on for about six months. And my doctor was very upset. Didn't want me to go off. And he said, you're going to be on this for the rest of your life. You have severe depression. And anyway, I never went back on. The medication. Wow. And so that got me started on my journey. That is so amazing. So your brother took his own life, he passed and then you had depression in your life and he told you to meditate and isn't it so amazing, that, the same experience. Overcame you in your life and you were heading down that trajectory of depression and, just for his spirit to come and, give you this tool. Of how to solve this problem. It's like, what kind of like what we all do is souls to just overcome and then leave a little note behind for someone else. Like, Hey, you can overcome this. I overcame it. Or I figured out this tool right before I go, like, let me give it to someone else. That is just such a profound thing about, being, having a spiritual experience is being able to leave something behind for someone else. So. It can get them a little bit further than you got. When I was Years ago I was going through chronic depression for four or five years undiagnosed. I didn't know what it was. I had no, no IQ about it. Um, and I was suicidal and I was crying out to God. I was a missionary my entire life. And so for me to have a spiritual. Problem was like, it was O impossible to overcome because I had so much built up about my spiritual identity. It was like the peak existential identity for me. So to, to basically. Overcome this depression. God had to intervene and say, Hey, look, you're going, you need to try meditation. And just spending time in that space, the still space was something I'd never done before. Even as a man of God for my entire life, from age 11, I had never been in that space of stillness with God. And it's amazing how meditation is a tool that. It's just the spiritual tool that we, that can heal so much. And it seems like we genuinely need, um, as spiritual beings just to go into this chamber space inside of ourselves and the transformation and the healing that can occur there is so profound. Absolutely. Absolutely. And and so, it went from there and so I started. Reading. I just started reading about the chakras about being psychic and so in all my daily meditations and like you, I had been severely depressed for years and it was, this was 20, 28 years ago, 27, 28 years ago. It was just a new thing that people were becoming diagnosed with depression. Before that, 35 years ago, there it, to me, it wasn't out there. And so I started to learn how to move energy within myself and to start to heal myself. And then I had friends who would say, later on, then I studied shamanism and it just went from one thing to another. So I was constantly training. So before, before the depression, before the beach, your identity as a human, like, were you a very outgoing, outspoken, expressive person? Yeah. And so that transformation was pretty drastic where you finally became, this outgoing entrepreneur, really? How, yeah. So, so how drastic did that seem to you? Because, I've noticed in times in my life, when I was really young, I played a lot of music and I was very outspoken and out. And then I went through this transformation and I became very reserved and conservative in my personality. And now as the years go on, I find myself starting to become more outgoing again. And so, I wonder as someone who had to step into this I identity of being in front of people and expressing, these deep, the deepest truths that you feel, how, how dramatic was that transformation in your life. That's a great point. Yeah, that's amazing. That's one of the great things about, about the spiritual experiences. It's well, only. Infinite game, you can play, you can run out of, the game in lots of aspects of life, but with the spirit, you can never reach the end. You just keep learning and learning. And isn't it interesting how the path of knowledge here, like, learning things that, that we have materially. Learning from the past, learning from technology and science, how those things allow us to understand ourselves so much more. It's almost like a paradox. And I think some people might even get stuck in the idea that, Learning things in the world will distract you from your spirit. But I've found that the more I learn about, spiritual science and spiritual modalities, the more I understand myself and also my origin in my spirit, and it allows me to synthesize everything I've learned. Religion and God spirituality, it there's no conflict. So the experience of learning things in oh, things to have seemed to have lost her here lost you for just a second. I'm not sure why that was that's okay. Oops. That's okay. It's no worries. That's interesting. Let me, um, I can stop the recording and start it again. Maybe that'll. Yeah. Yeah. I'll edit it together. Okay. So we were just talking about, how the path of knowledge and life just learning new things can be such, there's so much resistance around, adding new ideas to our ideologies or to I, to our identities. And it's, paradoxically learning more allows us to learn more about ourselves. Um, so, how did you. How do you, what was, what has been the struggle for you in overcoming that resistance to just learning? I guess in the beginning you're a student and you have such an open mind, but as the years go on, and you build these ideas about what's true. Do you have resistance to learning new things and how can people overcome that? I can often be the queen of resistance. and really the greatest resistance for me and what I find in my clients is resistance to our greatness. It's really, and I'm speaking, not so much as a human being, but as a soul, the soul is already so amazing and so great. And a part of God, an extension of God, really? And so my greatest resistance was happened. It was about 10 years ago. Yeah, it was a decade ago. And. Prior to that. I told you, I had people saying, oh, you should teach. You're a healer, those sorts of things. And I kept saying no, and then I would meet I met people when I met one of my spiritual teachers. She said very soon after meeting me I did a reading with her. She said, you're a spiritual teacher. And I just silently thought to myself, you're crazy. You have no idea what you're talking about. And I let it go. And then someone else said the same thing to me about a year later. And I thought the same thing, but it had a little more, it stuck a little bit. And then it was, I did a retreat for myself, a one week meditation retreat in my home. And so I meditated, 10 to 14 hours a day. And at the end of the retreat, The guidance I received was that I was a spiritual teacher and it was time to step into that. Wow. I was so shocked. I had so much resistance. I had a complete meltdown. All I could do was cry. All my stuff came up. I'm not good enough. And I kept hearing over and over. Who do you think you are? Who do you think you are? And this. False sense of humility or distorted sense of humility, that we need to be humble. And so all my stuff came up and I just cried and cried, and it really impacted me in such great ways. And it was a very difficult three years following that. Very challenging for. And the thing is I already had students, I was teaching, um, I was already healing. I was doing a lot of spiritual work for other people and had been for over a decade. I had my own interior, spiritual interior design business. And so I would practice shamanism. I would do readings for some of my clients that were open to it. So I'd been doing that, but I never embraced it. And did it full time? So it was, that was the greatest resistance ever. And moving beyond that's why I say it's progressive. It's always progressive. That's amazing. It makes me wonder how many, how many people, that we hear of these amazing stories of, people who go through these incubation periods in life. And then now we know of them, I wonder how many of those stories. Are come with that period of just, adolescent period of growth in your career and in your identity, I definitely have gone through that. I think when I decided to start God XP, I think it was around the time that, I felt the calling to take a. A spiritual approach to my professional life, I guess is one way to say it. I thought I had arrived, and I think like four or five years later, I finally started to be consistent, and the whole time, tho those four or five years, I thought I was there, but I was constantly, um, evolving and I think what people see now is, um, you. They see me producing things now. And so it's like, oh, this guy's got it together, but I still see it as, there's, I guess we all have an ideal that we wanna reach, but you know, the, um, I guess that's it, there's a chasm. There's ever increasing chasm between us and our ideal. And I think that the teacher or the healer or the light worker, or just anyone in any profession, really, they find a way to be productive today. And I think, we're all works in progress, but finding a way to produce what you are uniquely meant to produce today is, living in the moment. and exactly, and evolving through that. And so your comment around for a while there, you thought you had arrived and we never really arrived. You, you discovered that, but you had to go through that. And it was actually that same spiritual teacher said to me a few years ago. Well, I was doing another retreat online and she was guiding it. And she said to me, you've healed all your wounds. And I said, are you crazy? I don't know that I'll ever be done. She said, no, you've really healed all your wounds. So she's telling me I've arrived. Wow. And I never accepted it. And it's not true. The more we evolve. There is always a deeper layer . And I often say to people, whenever you take a giant step forward, whatever stopped you from doing it before will come up. So there is always another layer. And so I go back to what you said in the beginning about being bold. Well, that bold. It's not like it comes with a price tag, but it's not just like all of a sudden I'm bold. I've worked up to it. So whatever has prevented me from being bold, I've had to heal and create the space for boldness. So whatever the ideal is, the work we do is really about creating the space. Yeah. For that. That is so good. That is so true. We, it feels like I was just I teach a weekly meditation class. I was just telling in the class yesterday, I was just saying how, the, in the hard times is when. You wanna cultivate the piece, the inner piece so that in the hard times it's still there. Even when everything else falls away, you still have that root in there, of inner peace. And it's like, um, um, there's a, there's an expression. Like if you don't have God in the summer of your life, he won't be there in the winter of your life, and. That's just, that's like keeping the habit of just being on the path that you're on and having a practice, a daily practice that can allow you to cultivate that because it's not all up when you're on the path, it's you go back down and up and down. So in those down times, it's so essential to have what you built and, um, that, that is the fruit of. That is the fruit of the spirit that you get to appreciate in the hard times you. Wow. That's a true teacher. Always go further. You can go further, but you know, it's, like you said earlier, the teacher that, that told you had arrived. She's telling you that you've graduated from her teaching, and we are, God is the guru. The true teacher is God, and there's all, there's no limit to his teachings, but the teachings that we find here on earth, like, the gurus here are meant to get us to a truer place in ourselves where we can take over our own Gudo ship, and start. Communicate with God directly and have that, um, that discipleship directly. And I think that's another thing that I think people resist so much is just learning from teachers who are here alive on earth, especially in the west. It's not very, it's not very popular to, to devote yourself to someone else's teachings or someone else's leadership. And I think it's so essential to have good mentors in life. And this idea that you. The idea of individuation and our individuality is so important and essential to our being. However, I do feel like there's so much to be gained from, humbling one's self and finding a mentor in life, multiple mentors in life. And and so, so it's like a paradox where you want to have a direct discipleship with the universe, the source, God, what have. But then you also wanna be humble enough to learn from the people who are preceding you in whatever path that you feel you're on. And so, people get lost in following one or not following any. And I think that the spiritual journey kind of requires you to. To have both, to have a consciousness where you're directly connected to your source. And then also a consciousness where, you are one with humanity and you share, you learn from your, you learn from the rabbi and your tribe and you give to the people who are coming up, but younger than you, and so, so I don't know what the question is there, but I guess, as a teacher, yourself, as a, spiritual teacher yourself, you had to overcome so much resistance to, who am I to teach, who am I to lead or guide. And that kind of stems from that same cultural societal resistance that we all have to, following and not being our own sovereign individual, um, Yeah. How can people who want to, who are called to lead, who are called to teach and who are called to guide and give in that way, how can they overcome that bias or that resistance in their mind is the best way to overcome the resistance is to breathe into it is to sink into it and accept all the resistance because the path is through, it's not around. Mm. We need to move into that resistance. And it's good to find somebody, I think who we want to be at their level. There's something about them, we can all feel someone else's energy, right? To a certain extent, but it's really someone who I'll. I'll give you an example. So I'm teaching my AOUS online energy healing program and it's a certification program. So I have these people that know their healers and they're in the program. And what has surprised some of them the most is the whole program is helping them evolve spiritually. That's what it's about. It's about their own healing and empowerment, and it's really about helping them. Move beyond their resistance, move beyond all the obstacles, all the energetic blocks and let God the universe flow through them in bigger ways. It's creating that space. And I'm just going to tell you a story last. So last night was our class. We meet weekly for two hours and I let a meditation. To help them open up to a greater level to receiving God. And then I did this really powerful spiritual practice for 12 minutes. It was like 12 minutes and 12 seconds. I could not believe what happened. I, because it's, well, I'll tell you what happened. I, within a minute or two, I moved into the Heights of ECS. and I'm and while I'm experiencing this ex experiencing this ecstatic state of God, moving through me was so amazing, but so fast, I thought, why is, how is this happening? And I could tune into my students online and it's, they were so open. To the experience. They have opened themselves up to me because the more they do that, the more they experience and the more they evolve. And so there was just, this we're all just open to God and then the responses afterwards, what am I? One of my students said, what happened? What was that? I started experiencing this and this. And so. That's what can happen. That's what can happen. And so, Sure. I'm teaching my own a Aria's online energy healing. And I have other programs that I'm developing another program. And I am moving toward teaching spiritual leadership because that's where my heart is really heading. Mm. And it's through this, a Zaria online energy healing that to me, really, to be a spiritual leader, often we become a healer first. It's we do that. And and teaching meditation, absolutely. In many ways you are a healer. When you're teaching meditation, you're helping people heal and grow. And so it, to me, that is the ultimate. The soul is already an extension of God. And it's through the human form that we access. That and that's, to me, the ultimate ideal is to really surrender our lives to God, the universe flowing through us so we can help others in humanity do the same thing. Yeah. Amen to that sister. That's awesome. So, your spiritual leadership, um, you talk, your, you have client magnet courses and you're talking about spiritual leadership. So let's just go right into that, with the with attracting the right clients and how you say using spiritual awareness. Why don't you tell me a little bit about that and like where that came from. Okay. So it's it. Some of the, um, it's more the same thing in that we are. If you're a coach, for example, you want to attract clients and you want to you wanna attract the right souls the best clients for you. And so. It's becoming more of who you truly are and radiating that out in the world and you attract them. So the clients I get I am really unevolved when it comes to social media and marketing and all that sort of thing. I, for me, what I realize is if I speak. I'm getting the energy out there and I'm trusting that the right people will find me, but they come in all sorts of different doors. I say to people, well, how did you find me? I don't know. I have no idea. And a lot of them don't know or it's oh, a friend told me about you and said, I should have a shocker reading. And so all the programs are really about healing and empowerment in different ways. So how do people recognize. What they wanna heal. They look at that in themselves, but also where do they wanna get to? So if someone is a coach, every single coach hits a plateau at some point where you need to evolve more and suddenly you're not getting as many clients or it's just not happening the way you want it to. So we need our own healing and we need someone else to help us. So. It's so cool to watch. I was actually doing my throw chocolate program and I worked with some coaches and that's what they wanted to focus on. And within six, eight weeks, they have a group filled with clients and they're often and running because it was just a matter of helping them get to the next level spiritually so that they can be of greater service. That's true. That's so amazing. I think so many, like you said, healers and light workers could benefit from that. I know myself it's it can be so lonely when you're, You're trying to do this thing. That's so unique to you and you don't have, this big network of people. And when you run into these, one of, one of these plateaus, it's basically just you and God, you just, you have to just wait until you figure it out. And there's been a lot of times that in my career like that, where, a year might go by two years might go by where I just feel stuck in molasses, spiritually and. When you make this your whole life, you still have to keep going and push through it. You can't just lean back on your, Homer Simpson personality and just be on the couch drinking beers for years, or you can, but you know, the we've already dis established what, where we get our satisfaction and that's from growing spiritually, and so that sounds amazing that you have, created this. This system for people to step into their leadership and to do it in an authentic, spiritual way in a way that's authentic to their own self, to their own soul. Um, so you mentioned the, that, you were working with your throat chakra course or group. Um, and I know you also wrote the, a book on the throat chakra, so. Where did this come from? This focus on the throat chakra in your life. And, um, yeah. Why don't you tell me a little bit about that. Okay. So I knew a number of years ago that I would write a book. I thought I would write a book on heart centered shamanism or shamanism through the heart. And it wasn't the book. So that retreat I told you about where my teacher said, you've healed all your wounds. at the end of that retreat. My big guidance was now is the time to write a book. And I, and at that time I thought, oh, I think I'm gonna write a book on. Living from your deathbed, that was going to be the title because I often will meditate and imagine myself old on my deathbed and what am I grateful for in my life? And what do I, what are my regrets? And so let's change those regrets now. Right? So that sort of message. and I thought I need help because I am, I love to write, or I used to love to write when I was younger, but I don't have a lot of experience at writing. So I hired a company to help me write that book and got an editor and all of that. And part of it was, helping. The company helped me identify who my ideal client was. I had no idea. It took me a month. It took me a month to figure out what I was gonna write about because I changed my mind. And what I realized was there was some more resistance because all my clients, what I noticed, they all have throat chakra issues or the bulk of them and serious throw chakra issues. And I have had serious throat chakra issues. And this was part of healing. My throat chakra to the next level was to write about it and create this program. And so it was an amazing experience. And it was what humanity needed from me at that time. Yeah. It, and it was really God flowing through me. So I would, when I wrote the book, I wrote it in eight days. And I would write for four hours a day, I would write two chapters a day. There's 16 chapters. But before that, I would meditate on really letting God flow through me. So even it's saved on my computer as a God's book. And then my second book, client magnet is saved as God's book too. And there's a file God's book three, but there's not a lot in there right now. And so when I would write, I would just. Get into that state of God flowing through me and I would close my eyes and I would type and I didn't filter anything. And I tried to just let it rip let God flow through me in that way and get it onto paper. And then it can all be edited from the level of the mind later and even the level of the heart, but just opening up and so. Previous to starting that process of writing. I would go to this Creek every day near where we lived. I would walk there and I would. To me there's so much love in the water flows, and it's the element of water is connection and love and God flowing through us. So I would meditate by this Creek and practice God flowing through me. And I would just pray and open myself up and ask please write the best book you can through me whatever it is you want to write. And so it was an amazing. Process, because in some ways I witnessed myself writing the book. But it's, I certainly can't take all the credit for the book far from it. Yeah, no, that is amazing. And, it's that higher place of consciousness that you're, tapping into in yourself that I think people could really, really benefit from. Taking with them that like, you can always, co-create your reality with God, with your higher, with your highest state of consciousness, you don't always have to just live from the regular conscious state that you're already in all the time. So many of our creative projects, we're like, oh man, have to do this. Or I'm so behind in this. But if you made it fun, if you could find a way to make it. Co-creation with the universe, in this moment then maybe you would have the energy and maybe it would be very, it could be, it could flow very easily, as why grind against, against reality to create something when we have this amazing connection with infinite intelligence, that is so amazing. Um, I love that you said, it's what humanity needed from you at that time. And you were just the vessel for bringing it in. I definitely feel that way about my own book, I wasn't an expert in depression or mental health, but it was just the book I needed to write so that I could close this story in my life this epic in my life and bless someone else with it, um, and so I think that. There can be a lot of, um, cynicism around. Why do people productize something that's supposed to be helpful or spiritual, and I think it's because without, putting a price on it, no one will take it seriously is one. But also just because, we have to get it out as. As we can in the moment and, we're, we are just one person. And so writing a book, like I wasn't an author when I wrote the book, but I just needed to do something to help at that time, and so I wrote a book and it just, it manifested itself as a book, but it could have been a course, it could have been a song, it could have been a piece of art, um, and so I think it's just it's really in it's it. Relieving and inspiring to hear someone else say that they went through the same experience in their life to procure something that is very spiritually meaningful. You. I've always felt like a creative and so I felt some authority to create whatever it is. And I I try to manifest creativity in self expression in life. I try to make my life like performance art, and. With writing a book. I just, there's so many voices of criticism that I've built up that I kept hearing. And that was a big process of working through those voices of criticism. As I, from the beginning to the end of the book, I was closing out voices from that. I built up from childhood old friends, negative things, families, family members have said or what have you inadvertent things that I attached myself to. Voices of criticism. And I think the big transformation was just letting go of all those preconditioned ideas of my limitations. It wasn't about the depression anymore, but it was like about those. It was like hook points that were holding the depression onto me. It was like little things, little voices or interactions I had in my past that were still just latching the depression onto my identity. That I think writing the book allowed me to work through and get out. Now you've got books. You've got courses. You're moving into a new phase. You're you still have the throat chakra stuff all available, but your new program is about the root chakra. Yeah. So this client of mine asked me when I was going to teach the type of energy healing that I do. And she said to me, I know I'm a healer and I really want you to teach me. And that was it for me. That was God moving through her saying now is the time now is the time. And I was a little nervous because, I had to I had to do this on my own. Nobody taught me how to teach online energy healing. I had so much fun doing it and I'm so grateful and it's my most rewarding program. but what I, the reason I am doing the root chakra program right now is because that is a fundamental work that is, is consistent throughout all of my programs. And so. It came to me that it would be really great to offer a shorter program where people can just get great bang for their buck and get them off and running because my other programs are longer. This is a, it's a short term program where they can actually really create great change within themselves and move a move beyond their obstacles. I talked about the root chakra being about safety and stability, trust and faith. And. Responsibility and accomplishment. So it helps it's really to help people clear the energy so they can accept great spiritual re greater spiritual responsibility. That is primarily the purpose of it from my perspective, but it might just be that they want to accomplish something. They just want to move to a new level. They can be a coach or it can be a person that they're just feeling stuck in their lives. It, and it can move so much and create change. And in that program, I'm in all my programs, I teach people how to become their own energy worker. That's the type of meditations and spiritual practices and doing the energy healing is a huge bonus because it's just moving more energy. Yeah. So it's helping people step into their power. That's so awesome. So when someone, becomes, aware of their energy and aware of their, their spiritual composition in life and they start to diagnose themselves and start to notice things that are blocked in their life, like you said, stability or insecurities things, um, Insufficiency of self expression or however it manifests itself, what is your advice for someone who's, starting off on the path and starting to realize that they have an energy body and that they're starting to have this experience of it. And they want to, self diagnose their problems and start to work through their energy. Um, what's your advice for that person on day one? Great question. Thank you. I'll try and keep it as simple as possible. I encourage people to move into their darkness, move into the fear move into whatever is holding you back, move into those difficult places, because that's the path to the light that is the path through. And so for me, it has been meditation. Primarily and other spiritual practices, shamanism, acupressure, whatever you're choosing is to make that conscious choice. How serious are you? If you're really serious, sit down on a chair, be comfortable and breathe fully. When we breathe with a lower abdomen, this makes such a big difference. If try and breathe to a six or eight count on the inhale and six or eight count. On the exhale, it affects the brain. So our brain function is in the me doula oblongata the back part of the brain. So when we breathe fully with the lower abdomen and I'm talking below the Naval, it changes that brain function to the frontal lo brain. And what happens then it frees up the subconscious. So when you first start to as you call it self-diagnose, that is from the level of the mind. But when we breathe fully, we can go into that, what we are currently aware of and go deeper and we start to access the subconscious and that's where the energy blocks are held. They're usually incomplete emotions. We weren't able to finish feeling as a small child as usually or even a baby, even in the womb. I do a lot of healing with people at the level of the womb. And so if you can stay with that and allow yourself to feel the discomfort. Even if it involves crying or feeling whatever is in there, you will gain a deeper understanding. And if you think of it as that's the broom that sweeps your subconscious clean and then, and so for years I did this sort of thing. I didn't use the full breath in the beginning. It's still, I helped it. I was able to move through a lot of it that way. And. So you stay with that and it starts to open you up. It's where I don't do much in the way a mindset and I don't teach mindset because we're trying to overcome. Mindset works. It depends. It depends on what level of realization a person is at. So at, at a certain level of realization, mindset works that's as far as you can get and then mindset, doesn't help you get to where you really wanna be. You get tired of doing it. Okay. Well, it's not working. I still have this problem. So this sort of approach helps you clear the energy and then you want to empower yourself. You want to, and we empower ourselves through continuing to breathe fully and reparent that inner child. Reparent that inner child. And we start to reprogram ourselves with, we change the past. We give ourselves new subconscious beliefs. So in a way it's mindset on steroids. It. Affects ourselves at every level. And then we go out into the world and we're different and we feel different. We don't the old problems start to go away. Yeah. Yeah. That is. So that is beautifully said. That's exactly, we have these built in memories into, in, in our, in. Being, it's like, yes, we have a body and a mind, but we are just ourselves. And so these memories from our past they are us, and so to release, those is to really transform your who you are. Yeah. You might look the same, but you will feel different in every cell. And we, yeah, I definitely, we all have those things in our past that we just latch onto and, um, It's so funny how I talked about it yesterday in my meditation teaching, but like we, when you have these traumatic memories in the past, like, it's like, if you hurt get an injury in your muscle and we tense the muscles around that injury will contract tense. And if you don't ever heal it, you'll just have this uh, You know this tension in your body, it could last for months, years. And, um, it's funny how the mind is the same way. And in order to get rid of those things, you really just need to relax, rest the mind and go into that stillness space and the tensions release, and the way you're carrying your body changes. Um, I had a, an shoulder, neck injury from sports and, um, It, I didn't realize how much tension I was carrying in my shoulder. I had a tight, I was walking like this, so, so often, and constantly having to rela relax and teach myself to, to relax the posture and to release that tension. And my overtime. My spine has corrected itself. My shoulders have rounded back again, and it's really just a retraining, just like it is with the mind, and some of those things go back so far. They're like injuries, we're carrying from four or five years old. Definitely. Definitely. And we can also when we're doing this sort of practice, things can come up. So let's say. Our mom yelled at us. Let's say your mother yelled at you when you were four and it terrified you. And it just was so upsetting. So many people say, well, don't be a victim. Don't be a victim. Well, to really feel that feeling fully, I think you need to be a victim for a brief period of time. You need to see how hard that was on you. You need to acknowledge it and let it move through you. And it's through letting it move through you that then. You can see that, wow, your mother was overwhelmed. She was really having a hard time and she had her own wounds. And so that's, and then forgiveness becomes natural to me. If we just try and jump right into. Forgiveness. We skip the important pieces. We are negating in some cases and sometimes our experience. And so we really want to process then at a deep level. And a lot of times, even through the energy healing that I do, someone may, all of a sudden they don't have any shoulder pain. And then through a healing session, they get this intense shoulder pain. And it's because there's energy, there was a wound that locked was locked in the body and it starts to release. And then by the end of the healing session, it's gone. And they, they'll ask me like, what happened? What was that about? And it hadn't manifested to the physical level yet. So it, it builds and build in us energetically. And so even a sports injury can be where you have constant pain. Usually that sort of thing I can clear up in one energy healing session because there's energy stuck there. There's energy. Um, and it's move to that level. Well might need your help with that. pretty soon here because it's gotten a lot better. Actually. I still do feel like there's about 15 to 10% of just like stuck, pain stuck. And it just feels like a chronic. Now it feels like a chronic condition, and I thought, well, my body heals itself almost perfectly in every other way. But for some reason, this injury has not left me for over a year, so, yeah. And so you can, I would love to help you. And in the meantime, because you're already so powerful, you're doing the work, you're really doing the work Anthony. And so often if I may say that can be a throat checker issue. And so. What is your shoulder trying to tell you about how you need to level up? What is the next step for you? Especially with the throat chakra and the throat. Chakra is all about. Expressing your soul's purpose. Yes. It's about being seen and heard it's about speaking your truth, but ultimately it's about expressing your soul's purpose in the world. So I just wanna know what's next for you, Anthony. And that this can be the avenue for you to discover that what is it that's holding you back from that next level? Well, let me just say that, in, in the last. Year two, three years, maybe I've felt and people will probably think it's funny, but I've felt a limitation on my self expression. I used to be a loud speaking person. I used to make jokes and be, be very, um, much a center of attention type of person. And then my, my, my depression stemmed from me feeling narcissistic and feeling like I was abusing attention and being selfish with attention. So I really drew back and receded into. I felt like that was a very, um, spiritually liberating process. But at the same time, I think it, it developed, um, a sense of, um, shame, in my personality and for a long time, I've been making content, but in the last few years, I feel like my content, my voice has diminished. I'm being very reserved, conservative. My personality. And a lot of it stems from, being self-conscious about the way people are going to interpret me as, however, I see myself being, um, abrasive or offensive, from my past. So I do have this feeling like I want to liberate my personality again and feel like I can self-express without feeling guilty or ashamed, because of, I. Because I caught myself in a place of ignorance and I hated it. hated seeing myself that way. Wow. Okay. Well, it sounds like you're on the right track and I think your shoulder has some answers for you. For sure. Yeah. I'm gonna meditate on that. And I'll be holding you in my heart that you move to this next level. And so, so often this is what happens for us. We're over here, we're operating that at this level with respect to your self-expression. And the expression of God moving through you . And then in order to self-regulate, we have to swing to the opposite side. We have to go to the other opposite end of the spectrum. And so then you find yourself over there. Oh, where you pulled back, you saw yourself as a little bit of a narcissist, the center of attention, that sort of thing. So you go the complete opposite and then the pendulum can swing back to find your center again.. And so your shoulder is. My guess is speaking to you and I'd be happy to do a shock reading for you. You want to yeah. Help you gain some insight as to how the energy is flowing. So it's serving you, it's serving you. Yeah, totally. I love that. And I hadn't considered that perspective until now. And having you on the show, I was excited because of your book, heal your neck issues and let your throat chakra shine. And I thought, wow, the throat chakra is something I've, Tried to improve and strengthen in my life, but you know, I've had this neck thing going on. So I just, it's just great to, to have you on and just to learn from you, I've found this conversation to be so, um, insightful, inspiring, enlightening and rewarding. And I wanna keep in touch. We'll definitely have to keep doing these. Okay. That would be awesome. And I would like to have you on my podcast as well, Anthony, so let's keep going here. Last thing, if you had one last piece of advice for spiritual seekers in general, what do you want people to know more than anything? Is really face your biggest fears, face your biggest fears, and your biggest fears will help you step into your true, authentic power and the greatness of God moving through you. Amen. Cheryl, thank you so much, everyone. Be sure to check out steal to Cheryl on Instagram, her website, star of divine light dot. You can find her courses, her coaching there, um, by her book, heal your neck issues and let your throat chakra shine on Amazon. Um, where else can they find you Cheryl? Facebook, LinkedIn. I think I'm getting on Twitter. I'm not sure if I'm on there yet or not. Follow her on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, everyone. Um, have a good one. Be blessed and we'll see you next time. Thank you, Anthony. Goodbye everybody. Thank you.