GodXP Spiritual Fitness

Janie Jurkovich - Spiritual awakening, Intuitive development

November 04, 2021 Anthony Polanco
Janie Jurkovich - Spiritual awakening, Intuitive development
GodXP Spiritual Fitness
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GodXP Spiritual Fitness
Janie Jurkovich - Spiritual awakening, Intuitive development
Nov 04, 2021
Anthony Polanco

Janie Jurkovich, spiritual medium, author of "Single and 60" and "The New I Am Movement", Encouraging women to lead their best lives- www.thenewiammovement.com
GodXP is THE Enlightenment Podcast. We talk consciousness, spirituality, mental health, psychedelics, psychotherapy, self-realization, and personal development to inspire advancement in our lives.  This is the consciousness expansion show. Together we share stories and seek to discover applicable truth and wisdom for life. With host Anthony Polanco, music artist, founder of GodXP, depression recovery author, and digital marketing consultant.​
Depression Recovery book: https://getyourmojobackbook.com​
Follow us on Social Media: @wearegodxp on Twitter, IG, Facebook

Show Notes Transcript

Janie Jurkovich, spiritual medium, author of "Single and 60" and "The New I Am Movement", Encouraging women to lead their best lives- www.thenewiammovement.com
GodXP is THE Enlightenment Podcast. We talk consciousness, spirituality, mental health, psychedelics, psychotherapy, self-realization, and personal development to inspire advancement in our lives.  This is the consciousness expansion show. Together we share stories and seek to discover applicable truth and wisdom for life. With host Anthony Polanco, music artist, founder of GodXP, depression recovery author, and digital marketing consultant.​
Depression Recovery book: https://getyourmojobackbook.com​
Follow us on Social Media: @wearegodxp on Twitter, IG, Facebook

That's amazing. I think everything in life is a process. And the sooner we embrace it and not look at mistakes as bad, but look at them as growth experiences and challenges. And that's how, you know, we tried that now we know it doesn't work, and so get brave and have some confidence and then try the next thing. That's it. That's, that's the only way you're gonna make great advances. Because that every mistake just gets you closer to where your your final destination is. Yeah, yeah. And it's, it's not just this lifetime, you can't just wait it out. Because there's, you'll have to keep coming back and doing it again. Yeah, yeah, that concept itself was really hard for me to grasp. And honestly, I probably I probably wouldn't have, except for I had so many visions about past lives. And, and then I even had people come up to me and say, I think I think we knew each other in a past life. And so I'd ask my guides, and I find out Yeah, that was true. Wow. And I understand why I felt like certain girlfriends like I felt closer to and that that was it. They we played some part in each other's lives earlier, I think I can't emphasize enough that what Esther Hicks teaches is that we all have an internal internal guidance system. And it's based on feelings, and we need to really pay attention to that. Because the sooner you can tap into your feelings, and use it to gauge things, boy, you're really, you're ahead of the game. Like a lot of people say, Well, I have a gut feeling that this isn't going to work, or I shouldn't do this, or I have a gut feeling I should Well, that is because that's your internal guidance system. And our Creator made that so to help us, so why not use it? Absolutely. That's it, that's the essence of spiritual fitness, you know, it's like, just tapping into that intuition and cultivating the intuition and allowing that to navigate you from this place, forever, you know, all the way back home. So it's fascinating, I love that I love that people can come into your life and, and remind you of the actual soul journey that you're on, you know, I think people people try to run from fate by waiting it out and letting society dictate their outcomes. And, and, and like you said, you know, you can end up on your dying day and die with all that regret. And there's, there's a consequence to dying with, with regret, you know, it's not like there's no consequence to dying with regret. So I think a lot of people just don't ask them themselves the question of what is going to happen when I die? What is what is going to happen to this soul of mine? When when this is all over? You know, right? I'm not I and and you have to, you have to cultivate that and build your confidence and get to where you're not worried about what other people think. And my thing now is, I'm not worried about making a mistake. I'm worried about living my best life. That's, I just want to make sure I do the very best I can. Yes, those are, you know, that's one of the things that we're here to learn. And that's what God or your higher power expects is for us to do our best. There's no thing about what you have to be perfect or you're worthless. It's no it's all about do your best. And the and not to judge other people. They're on their own journey. And then the one of the main Well, I would say it is the main thing that we are here to learn is how we are all connected. All the people that planet, everything in the environment, the animals and all that we're all connected. And people a lot of people don't realize that but it only takes a little bit of thought and you can I mean you can prove it to yourself.